Bill Parcells: Don’t Be Afraid of Confrontation

“If you are afraid of confrontation, you are not going to do very well.”
Bill Parcells, Two-Time Super Bowl-Winning Coach

Being positive does not mean being passive.

Despite what some might think, going out of your way to avoid conflict will not lead you to a more peaceful life. It will lead you to a life where you have very little control over your own destiny because you’re letting others make decisions for you. It will lead to an unfulfilling life of fear and regret.

You can’t be afraid of confrontation. You have to stand up for yourself and what you believe.

If you’re going to move forward with a positive mindset, you must be willing to battle past the negative voices that try to tell you what you can’t do. You have to stand by your vision despite the opposition.

It’s one thing to let criticisms and opinions outside of your control roll off your back. (That’s healthy for you.) It’s quite another thing to let those opinions change your trajectory because you’re afraid of confronting them. (That’s very unhealthy for you.)

If you know in your heart what you’re supposed to do, then do it. Don’t passively accept whatever someone else says you should do. And don’t allow the voices of negativity to push you off the path you were born to be on.

An optimist can’t be afraid of confrontation. An optimist must adopt a warrior mentality. An optimist must decide that he or she will NEVER back down, no matter what kind of negative forces and obstacles await on the journey ahead.

Confront your fears.

Confront the naysayers.

Confront anything that stands between you and what you know in your heart is the right thing to do.

You can’t passively expect to succeed. As Bill Parcells says, having the courage to step up and face confrontation is a key component of success.


“I stand up for what I know is right. I will never stop fighting to make my dreams come true. I am unstoppable.”