How to Create Affirmations That Produce Results

Muhammad Ali once said, “It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”

Numerous studies over the years confirm that Ali was right. Affirmations change the way we think about ourselves and the world around us. When we change the way we think, it changes the type of results we’re able to achieve.

When used correctly, affirmations can make the difference in whether you succeed or fail at the long-term goals that are important to you. They can also make an instant difference in whether you feel good or bad about yourself in the present moment.

But what is the correct way to use affirmations? Renowned sports psychologist Jim Afremow offers the following crucial advice on how to use affirmations…

Keep to the present tense in creating personal affirmations. For instance, say, “I am” rather than using the future tense, “I will become.” Why? Because we always live and perform in present time, not in the future. The subconscious mind does not recognize the future; it only understands the here and now.

Here are some power phrases that you can repeat to help you perform at a champion’s level:

– I think, feel, and perform as a champion.

– The next play will be my best play.

– I play with purpose and passion.

– I quickly forget mistakes because all athletes make them.

– I have the courage to face and overcome my fears.

– I am the player who is the best prepared.

– I will go through fire to accomplish my goals.

– I strive to be my best in all conceivable ways.

– I bring it every day.

– I start strong and finish stronger.

– Jim Afremow, from his book The Champion’s Mind

The above-mentioned affirmations can be altered to address your particular environment and goals. Affirmations work for athletes and coaches just as well as they do for executives, traders, doctors, lawyers, writers, teachers, students, and parents.

Five of my favorite affirmations come directly from my book, Think Like a Warrior:

– I focus on only the things I have total control over: my effort and my attitude.

– I love what I do and I attack each day with joy and enthusiasm.

– I dream big and I ignore the naysayers.

– I am relentless and I will NEVER give up on my dreams.

– I choose faith over fear.

Affirmations have the power to change your life. Use them wisely.