Jim Harbaugh: Attack Each Day

Jim Harbaugh“Attack each day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.”
– Jim Harbaugh, 2011 NFL Coach of the Year

Too many people start the day in a passive state of mind. They wake up thinking about what they “have to” get done today. They worry about what challenges they might face during the day and they talk about “surviving” until five o’clock.

Champions, on the other hand, start the day in attack mode.

They wake up thinking about what they “get to” do today. They attack their morning with enthusiasm and positive energy. They can’t wait to see what will happen today—what kind of progress they will make. They don’t passively let life happen to them; they go out and create the life they want to live with confidence and passion.

Champions aren’t born this way. They don’t just happen to have an enthusiastic attitude.

No. Champions choose to be enthusiastic. They choose to start the day in attack mode. And you can do the same.

Like everything else, your attitude is a choice. You get to choose the attitude you will have when you wake up each morning.

If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, change your attitude with positive self-talk. Tell yourself to “attack the day.” Tell yourself, “Great things are coming my way!”

Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh reminds us that words have power and when you tell yourself to be enthusiastic, you will find things to be enthusiastic about. You will feel your energy immediately increase.

You set the tone for everything that will happen today with the mindset you choose to have right this moment. 

Choose to be aggressive. Choose to be positive. Choose to be confident.

Have the mindset that you will aggressively attack this day, this week, and any of the challenges it may bring.

I love what I do and I attack this day with joy and enthusiasm.


[Photo credit: Maize & Blue Nation]